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Registration is now open for my upcoming classes at Central Market in Texas next month and some of the classes are almost full.

Chocolate Marshmallow

These are my only US dates this spring (unless someone has a spare ticket for a sidetrip to Hawaii) so come join me for a fun-filled class where Iโ€™ll be teaching Parisian Chocolate Desserts.

  • April 9: Austin
  • April 10: Dallas
  • April 11: Fort Worth
  • April 12: San Antonio
  • April 13: Houston

    You can check out the menu and register here.

    Iโ€™ll also be at the Lake Austin Spa as part of their Culinary Experience on April 15th as well.

    Come hang at the spa with me, too!



      • Sara, Ms. Adventures in Italy

      David! Head back to SF in July (Iโ€™ll be there!!) I have a friend with a place on Kauai, maybe we make arrangements if you teach me how to make marshmallows!! YUM.

      • David

      Sara: I got the place to stayโ€ฆIโ€™m just lookinโ€™ for a plane ticket!

      • rouquinricain

      How I miss Central Market in Austin, I havenโ€™t been in ten years. guess iโ€™ll have to make do with G. Detou which I just discovered yesterday thanks to your blog (which I also just discovered) โ€“ bought macadamia nuts (not easy to find in the city) and Fallot mustard.

      Love your take on Paris.

      • Amy

      Squeee!!! Iโ€™m registered for the Austin class :)

      • Jennifer in Texas

      oh I live i Austin I am so there.

      • Merriam

      Nooo! I canโ€™t make any of the Texas classes- not even the spa one! Ironically enough, Iโ€™ll actually be in jolie Paris thenโ€ฆ

      • Shawnda

      Sweeeeet. Thanks for the heads up โ€“ we will see you in Houston!

      • Siiri

      UGH! David โ€“ when will you ever visit the West Coast? You know we have such a strong indie food scene here. And as a budding baker/indie chef, I have to say, Iโ€™m tres disappointed youโ€™re not making rounds to Seattleโ€ฆ.at least not as far as we know. Come visit!

      • Val

      San Diego, David, San Diego. Itโ€™s lovely here, really. All sunny and warm and there is the zoo and Sea World. Wouldnโ€™t it be nice to come to San Diego with those lovely marshmallows?!? Come visit Americaโ€™s finest city, my friend. Iโ€™m telling you, i moved away from Texas for a reason.

      • Lesley

      TEXAS? TEXAS? Why oh whyโ€ฆ..

      Sounds like a blast, iโ€™ll have to read about it!

      • dana

      Enjoy your classes David! Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve likely taught at CMโ€™s before but in case you havenโ€™t, I can tell you that my experience as one of their guest cooking teachers was very good. I love that they put up their teachers in interesting and lovely hotels so that besides getting to meet great people and be in their wonderful shops that you feel like a tourist as well. My particular favorite was the hotel in San Antonio: view and balcony over the waterway โ€“ just a lovely spot wish I could remember the name right now.

      I wonโ€™t say โ€˜break a legโ€™ but instead โ€œbreak an eggโ€™!

      • Eric

      Woo-hoo! Snagged a spot over the weekend for the Austin CM classโ€ฆ canโ€™t wait!

      • Connie

      Keep coming to Texas !!! And how about the recipe for that lovely in the photo.

      • stacy

      I canโ€™t wait to see you in Dallas. YUM!

      • Leah

      Yes, I second the request for the recipe of the beautiful confection in the photo. What is it, praytell? Pretty much anything with chocolate and coconut is awesome, but this looks particularly lovelyโ€ฆ

      • Murasaki Shikibu

      After reading this, I read your blog on a cooking class you did in Normandy and it sounded really great. Iโ€™m semi-retired now but if one day I get a reasonable income I would really love to sign-up for one of your classes :)

      Funny how when you have the income you donโ€™t have the time. Now I have a lot of time but not enough income!

      • David

      Siiri: I was just on the West Coast, teaching in the Bay Area and in Seattle last June and July (more here)

      Sorry you missed it! : (

      • Jeremy

      You gotta do NYC again David, we didnโ€™t get a chance to sample any goodies or sip a cup of coffee!

      What is that thing in the picture?โ€ฆ looks good!

      • Susan

      Mate ! Itโ€™s a chocolate lamington !

      Suzanne lโ€™Australiene (as I am known in our village)

      • nyc/caribbean ragazza

      I lived in Austin for a year. I spent way too much money at Central Market! Itโ€™s a food lovers dream store.

      • Lisa (Homesick Texan)

      Donโ€™t forget to buy a tortilla warmer when youโ€™re in Texas! If they donโ€™t have them at Central Market, mosey on over to a Fiesta and theyโ€™ll have a ton.

      • Gael

      I wish I was back in Houston for that. Iโ€™ll have to tell my mother to visit and you can schmooze about Bretagne.

      • Heartfull

      Texas? Why do they get to have all the fun? I know Missouri doesnโ€™t have quite the same ring, but we would love to see you here in St. Louisโ€ฆ

      Heck, I might even drive to Chicago to for your class.

      • Maxine

      Come to Chicago!! You may want to wait for the summer because the winter gives you little incentive, but plan a trip for July and come teach us about Parisian Chocolate Desserts!!

      • Siiri

      Shoot! Unfortunately, I wasnโ€™t part of the hip crowd that follows your blog until about November of last years, shame on me, I know. Iโ€™m sorry I missed your time here, but I do know about Theo Chocolateโ€ฆ.but hadnโ€™t thought about them in quite some time. I will head over there to buy some treats for my boyfriends father, who is a Polish man obsessed with chocolate. I donโ€™t mind being the enabler if it means sneaking a treat for myself while Iโ€™m at it!
      Thanks for the reminder!
      Until then, siiri

      • jackie

      there are times i do miss no longer living in austin and this is one of those times!

      • steamy kitchen

      FLORIDA, baby! FLORIDA! We got lots of sexy thong action at our beaches!

      • LW

      Oh goodness, here?! Austin AND Houston? This is just too much.

      • Talida

      Jealous me.. Iโ€™m a Texan girl at heart, but am now residing in NY. Which youโ€™ll swing by again, right? :)

      • Judy in SATX

      Woohoo! Iโ€™m confirmed for San Antonio, and will be there with my copy of the Perfect Scoop for you to autograph!

      • Andrea

      I am coming all the way from Toronto for your class in Ft. Worth! Yea! While I am there, perhaps you can give me some advice on why my (overly?) ambitious plan to make Kouign Aman turned out to be a greasy pile of *&^%!


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